Let your surround open their mind up!

Let’s #talkaboutvegan

Speak up for People, Animals & Mother Earth. Be their Voices!


Vegan Green Speech Challenge
Vegan for Better Future: People, Animals and Mother Earth

Juara 1:  Rp 2.500.000 + Voucher LN Rp 450rb + Trophy
Juara 2:  Rp 2.000.000 + Voucher LN Rp 350rb + Trophy
Juara 3:  Rp 1.500.000 + Voucher LN Rp 150rb + Trophy
Juara Video Terfavorit (like terbanyak) :  Rp 750.000 + Voucher LN Rp 150rb


  1. Unggah Speech Video durasi max 1 menit dengan topik: Talk About Vegan (non SARA)
  2. Caption berisi intisari Speech Video yang diunggah di Instagram
  3. Follow & tag @veganfestival.id dan tag minimal 5 teman Anda
  4. Akun Instagram peserta tidak dalam kondisi terkunci atau private
  5. Beri hashtag #talkaboutvegan #vegangreenspeechchallenge #veganfestivalid #ivs #vsi

Batas Unggah Video: 18 Maret 2017

Pengumuman Lolos Seleksi : Tribeka Central Park, 25 maret 2018, pukul 20.00

Babak Kompetisi
Indonesia International Vegan festival and Forum
Mall Neo Sogo, Lantai 3
13 April 2018, pukul 16.00

Biaya Pendaftaran Bagi Peserta Lolos Seleksi (termasuk Sertifikat)

Keivelyn: 0859-2161-6676
Nelly :  0812-8566-8452

Salam Vegan,
W: veganfestival@ivs-online.org
IG: veganfestival.id